According to the provisions of Law 4957/2022 the Administrative Bodies of the School are:
1) The Assembly of the School
2) The Head of the School
3) The Deputy Head of the School
1) The Assembly consists of:
a) Faculty Members
b) The Head and the Deputy Head of the School,
c) The student representatives at a rate of 15% of the total members of the Assembly of the School (cases a and b) and in each case not more than ten (10) students. The representatives, along with their deputies, are elected by the students for an annual term.
d) Three (3) representatives, one (1) per category, from the members of Teaching Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff and Laboratory Technical Staff of the School, who are elected, along with their deputies, for an annual term, with the possibility of re-election..
The Assembly of the School is formed and operates legally even if the representatives of cases c and d have not been elected. Undergraduate students do not vote on issues related to second and third cycle studies.
The Assembly of the School has the following responsibilities and all others provided by the provisions of the law:
- outlines the general educational and research policy of the School and the course of its development, equivalent to the policy of the Faculty and the University,
- redacts the Internal Regulation of the School, following the guidelines of the Internal Regulation of the University
- changes the academic field in which a member of the Faculty has been appointed, according to the specific provisions of Article 79 of Law 4310/2014 (AD 258), 1972 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Issue A ‘114 / 04.08.2017
- suggests to the Dean of the Faculty the conduction of joint courses with other Schools of the same or other Faculties,
- compiles the curriculum guide of the School,
- awards the diplomas of the study programs organized by the School,
- assigns the teaching work to the members of the School,
- assigns autonomous teaching work to the members of Laboratory Teaching Staff, according to the relevant provisions,
- approves the distributed textbooks for each course of the study program,
- forms teams for the internal evaluation of the School,
- suggests to the Dean of the Faculty the formation of new positions of faculty members and members of the Teaching Staff,
- prepares and updates the registers of internal and external members kept for the procedures of election, promotion, permanence and renewal of the term of faculty members, which it submits for approval to the Senate
- suggests to the Rector the announcement of new faculty members positions and exercises the responsibilities provided by law during the election process
- gives opinions on the relocation of faculty members,
- announces positions of temporary teaching staff, sets up advisory committees and decides on the selection,
- invites visiting professors and visiting postdoctoral researchers and provides them with all possible support for the completion of their academic work,
- suggests to the Senate the awarding of the titles of Honorary Doctor, Emeritus and Honorary Professor,
- distributes the funds to the educational, research and other activities of the School
- sets up committees to study or deal with specific issues falling within its remit.
2) The Head of the School
The Head of the School has the following responsibilities and all others provided by the provisions of the law:
- heads the services of the School and supervises the smooth operation of the School and the observance of the laws and the Internal Regulations,
- convenes the Assembly of the School, prepares the agenda, appoints as a rapporteur a member of the Assembly, chairs its work, suggests the issues for which no other member of the Assembly has been appointed rapporteur and ensures the execution of its decisions
- ensures the implementation of the curriculum, including educational activities
- supervises the archive of scientific publications of the School
- issues acts of accession of faculty members on a part-time status
- forwards to the component bodies the opinions, proposals or suggestions of the School Assembly
- establishes committees for the study or processing of specific issues within the competence of the School
- prepares an annual report on the activities of the School and forwards it to the Deanery
- represents the School in the Senate and informs the Assembly of the discussions and decisions of the Senate.
3) The Deputy Head of the School
The Deputy Head of the School shall replace the Head in the event of absence or temporary incapacity, as well as in the event of his/her resignation until the end of his/her term of office.
The composition of the Assembly of the School of Film for the academic year 2024-25 is as follows:
- Head of the School, Apostolos Karakasis, professor
- Deputy Head of the School, Panos Salapatas, professor
Faculty Members:
- Christina Adamou, associate professor
- Christos Goussios, associate professor
- Nefeli-Maria Dimitriadi, assistant professor
- Eleftheria Thanouli, professor
- Dimitris Theodoropoulos, professor
- Panagiotis Iossifelis, professor
- Despina Kaklamanidou, professor
- Konstantinos Kefalas, associate professor
- Ioannis Kolaxizis, professor
- Dimitris Koutsiabasakos, professor
- Penny Mpouska, assistant professor
- Ioannis Maroudas, assistant professor
- Theodoros Papadimitriou, assistant professor
Representative of the Teaching Staff members
- Nikos Aletras
Representative of the Laboratory Teaching Staff members
- Paris Mouratidis
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the School have not appointed representatives.
Laboratory Technical Staff members have not appointed representatives.