During the 5th year of study students are required to produce a diploma thesis. The choice of the thematic area is free. This work reflects the artistic and theoretical interests of each student, it is the peak of their studies, as well as the most mature sample of their personal work.
The completion of the diploma thesis requires time corresponding to two semesters. It should be noted that, based on the assessment of the necessary time, the diploma thesis holds 60 ECTS.
The diploma thesis for the applied directions takes the form of a work of art in the field of the respective direction and it is developed according to a set of rules determined by the responsible supervisors. For the theoretical direction the diploma thesis is a dissertation of 10.000 – 12000 words.
The final presentation and examination take the form of a public lecture lasting 30-45 minutes (including the presentation time of accompanying material).
Candidates must have accumulated at least 220 ECTS in order to apply for a diploma thesis. From the beginning of the fifth year (and at the beginning of each semester onwards) the students state their preferences for diploma thesis by submitting to the secretariat an application stating the direction, the temporary title and the supervisor. The application must be signed by the supervisor first and is valid for as long as it takes to complete the thesis.
Supervising Diploma Theses
The faculty members and teaching staff of the School of Film are responsible for supervising diploma theses. Depending on the field of the thesis, the supervision is undertaken by a faculty member of a relevant subject. It is permissible for two or more instructors to attend a dissertation (co-supervise) with the consent of the supervising professor.
Also, depending on the subject and the workload, the competent faculty member may propose the transfer of supervision to another teacher who deems that he/she can adequately undertake the specific project, without any change in the field of the dissertation. The supervisors can request the contribution of professors from other faculties or authorized teachers, if required.
The monitoring of the progress of the project is done in consultation with the supervisors at regular intervals. The terms and conditions of this cooperation are clearly and timely stated by each supervisor.
Examination – Presentation
A prerequisite for the presentation of a diploma thesis is that the student has successfully completed all the compulsory courses of the curriculum and gathered 230 ECTS. The secretariat of the School checks that the student fulfills the requirements, and the supervisor confirms that the work has been completed and can be presented in public.
The diploma presentations follow the examinations of the semester courses and are held three times a year in the examination periods of February, June and September. The examination is public and takes place in front of an audience. The presentation of the diploma thesis approximately 60′.
The diploma projects are submitted in hardcopy (in print) and in electronic form (CD or DVD) to the Secretariat and the library of the School before graduation. They are sent to the examiners one week before the presentation.
Any diploma project that includes original or paraphrased excerpts from books or articles or texts on the internet, without citing the source, is automatically graded with 0 (zero), regardless of the student’s intentions.
In case of non-compliance with the deadline for submission of a work, the School of Film does not recognize technical problems.
It is pointed out that the logo of the School of Film of AUTh should appear at the beginning and the end of every film/work/exercise in the following format in the audiovisual texts:
- opening credits/beginning titles, SCHOOL OF FILM, FACULTY OF FINE ARTS, AUTh in a separate frame.
- end credits, the film/work/exercise was developed and completed within the X course-workshops, under the supervision of the X Professor of the School.
In the written texts there should be a reference of the School of Film (as above) on the cover/first page and the name of the supervising professor should be written on the first page.
The above applies to all films/assignments/exercises produced by students during their studies at the School (using technical means provided by it as well as the support of the professors of the School for script editing, directing, photography, editing, set design, production, sound and music, or theoretical supervision at any stage of their work).
The School waives any other claim in the produced films/assignments/exercises other than its reference in the manner mentioned above. In case of omission of this reference, the film/work/exercise will not be graded.
Three examiners are appointed for the evaluation of the diploma thesis (the supervisor and two additional professors).