Dear colleague or Student,
In the link
Choose the English language by clicking the flag in left upper corner.
Then choose Faculty— > Fine Arts, School — > film, Level of study— > Undergraduate, Academic year — > Current in the scroll menu as it shows in the picture below and press submit
In the next page, you can see the courses that are available in English by checking the language of the institution and the language of the examination in the proper field (see the picture below).
Then go to filters tab and choose Show only Erasmus courses on the drop down menu and click apply
You can see the Erasmus courses that are available in our school.
You can see also the description of the courses by clicking on the title of the course.
The autumn semester includes the courses of 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th (semester) and the spring semester includes the courses of 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th (semester)
If the student wants, he/she could take some courses from other schools, but the majority of the ECTS must be from courses in our school.
You could see other schools or faculties by selecting the proper field in the first tab that you see in